Are you short on cash? Has the ever-increasing cost of living put stress on your finances? You might be sitting on the sofa at night worrying about how to make ends meet. With that in mind, let’s have a look at 5 excellent evening side hustles from home.
Online Surveys
You might have seen lots of different people online talking about online surveys and how they can pay a decent amount of money. They are pretty great. Some pay better than others but generally you are getting paid for your time. Meaning that a longer survey will generally pay more than a shorter one. Even just an hour a night, whilst you’re sitting on that sofa, can bring in extra cash and help you change your personal finance situation. Take a look at Prolific and YouGov to get started. Then you could always add market research tasks into the mix which can pay a lot more. You can apply for lots of them but they are generally few and far between.
Teach Your Skills
Take 10 minutes to write down what skills you have. I’m not just talking about what you do for a living but also on the side of that. Maybe you are fantastic at the guitar with 25 years worth of experience. It could be that you can speak a couple of different languages. These are skills that other people want and are willing to pay for. That means you could set up as an online coach and provide tutoring via video call. Traditionally tutoring was done face to face, but with high speed internet, you can removing that travelling time and teach people online instead. This means you might be sharing your knowledge with people up and down the country and even overseas. You could even create an online course that people can download (at a cost!) so you can earn passive income whilst you sleep.
Freelance Your Skills
Next on our list of evening side hustles from home is freelancing. Again, you have skills, so why not do some extra work in an evening for clients who perhaps don’t need a full time web developer or graphic designer. You might have bookkeeping experience and can get a monthly retainer from helping small businesses with their accounts. The possibilities are endless when you have desirable skills. Online contacts and word of mouth recommendations can help you in this venture and certainly increase the amount of money you’re bringing into your account every month.
Part Time Job
It could be that you can use your evenings to take on a part time job. If you don’t have children and other responsibilities that tie you to your house at night, or perhaps have childcare options that you can rely upon, this is a great idea. Maybe the local corner shop or takeaway need a few hours of help on an evening. Some part time roles don’t need to take you away from your living room though. There are plenty of online opportunities, such as customer care, where you can work from home and simply log in to central platform from your laptop. You might be helping customers via live chat or on the phone via a headset. Utilise your evenings to bring in extra cash.
Earn Cashback
Not so much a side hustle, but an opportunity to make some money. We all have to spend money, maybe more than we want to at the moment with the rise in prices. Did you know that you can earn cashback on all your purchases? Something simple like a Chase account that gives you 1% cashback on your spending (capped to £15 a month) can help you claw back a bit of cash when you make purchases. There are also cashback websites such as Quidco that will give you a percentage back when you click through to the retailer via their platform and make a purchase. From everyday grocery shopping to annual payments for things such as broadband and mobile phone. Look into cashback and you can quickly start saving £500+ a year.
There are plenty of other ideas for evening side hustles from home as well. Find one that works for your persona situation and start to relieve that pressure on your personal finances.