How often do you get sick of the service you are paying for? Maybe you have been a long term customer of an organisation and have finally gotten annoyed and want to complain. If you are a Sky customer, you might have TV or broadband that you want to get rid of. However, simply walking away isn’t enough. You probably want to let them know why and put in a formal complaint. It’s important to let the head of the company know as well, so it’s important to know how to contact to CEO. For Sky customers, let’s have a look at how to contact Dana Strong email address.

Your Complaints
How long have you been a customer of this company? Whether it’s 1 year or 25 years, you expect a good service and to be paying a fair price. So often, new customers get the best prices as existing customers pay more and more each year. It’s time to vote with your feet and walk away from a company that doesn’t respect or value you.
Your first port of call is to contact Sky directly. If you have technical questions or this is something you can perhaps sort out yourself, you will find help guides available on the Sky website here. You can also contact the Sky Community who might be able to help.
Head to the website and sign in to your My Account. You can then use the Live Chat option to talk to customer services. For anyone on Twitter (or X), you can tweet @skyhelpteam with complaints. They are generally available 8.30am – 9pm on weekdays and 9am – 9pm at weekends. There is an email address to send complaints to as well,
If you feel confident enough to speak to someone on the phone, you need to dial 03442 414 141. They can direct you to the right department and take your complaint.
The postal address for writing to Sky is Sky, Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5QD.
Dana Strong CEO
Ms Dana Strong is the Group CEO of Sky TV. The Dana Strong email address is
You can also write to Dana Strong the old-fashioned way by using the Isleworth postal address above.
It is important to let CEOs know exactly what is happening in the organisation they are in charge of. So often things get missed and departments are seemingly operating properly, when infact the information of complaints is not reaching those who are heading up the company. With this public information of the Sky address and Dana Strong email address, you can be sure that you can contact the person at the very top.

Save Money On Sky
Sky TV has risen in price an awful lot over the last few years. With more platforms offering films, boxsets, sports and kids TV, the pricing should be more competitive but it simply isn’t. The great thing for the customer though, is that they can walk away and try the likes of Netflix, Virgin, TNT, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+. Along with terrestrial TV channels like ITV and Channel 4. You can watch Sky Sports without having Sky TV. You can save money whilst watching Sky content. Now is the time to look at how much you are happy to pay, ask for a better deal and consider slashing your subscription. With the Dana Strong email address available to you, make sure you let the head of the company know your thoughts too.